Amber by Torvela - amber jewelry manufacturers and exporters from Lithuania, with over 25 years of experience. Since our founding in 1998, our family-owned business has specialized in creating fine amber jewelry that blends traditional craftsmanship with innovative designs. We are dedicated to offering natural, untreated amber in original designs that engage and fascinate our clients. Our collections, celebrated at major international exhibitions, are available through our online shops as well, serving wholesale clients, designers, collectors, and individual customers. We strive to enchant and inspire our clients with each piece, ensuring they always find something new and exciting. For more information, visit us at
Organizatorem targów AMBERIF jest AMBEREXPO - jeden z najnowocześniejszych obiektów wystawienniczo-kongresowych w Polsce. Specjalizujemy się w organizowaniu wydarzeń o zasięgu lokalnym, ogólnopolskim i międzynarodowym: targów, wystaw, kongresów, konferencji, eventów, jarmarków, imprez plenerowych.