Our company Amstone Jewelry is located on the shore of Gdansk Bay. Being so close to the world center of amber industry guarantees the quality of our products. Since year 2000 we have been proud of producing and selling probably the finest amber in the world thanks to our craftsmen who can make a real piece of art with their unusual skills and over 20-year experience.
Our company is well-known for making unique necklaces, bracelets, pendants, amber rings, rosaries, amber donuts and we also handle specific orders from our customers. All the products you can find in our store are handmade and created from pure Baltic Amber.
Organizatorem targów AMBERIF jest AMBEREXPO - jeden z najnowocześniejszych obiektów wystawienniczo-kongresowych w Polsce. Specjalizujemy się w organizowaniu wydarzeń o zasięgu lokalnym, ogólnopolskim i międzynarodowym: targów, wystaw, kongresów, konferencji, eventów, jarmarków, imprez plenerowych.