we are big supplier of natural fancy color diamondsin the world. Our commitment is to be consistentin catering high quality product and supply. We are specialized in Diamond manufacturing with all natural fancy color diamonds such as pink, yellow, canary cap, golden, red, coffe, green, bunt, saffron, orange, chocolate, steel grey, brown green, parrot, mix fancy colors, mattel-black etc.With VVS1 clarity to all commercial range and with all cuts like round brilliant, marquise, heart shape, princess, rose cuts, pear shape, oval shape, emerald cut, cushion cut, briolette, brown and black beads; all sizes from 0.005 ct to all special sizes and also with particular sizes with color suitable for traders, retailers, jewelry and watches.
Organizatorem targów AMBERIF jest AMBEREXPO - jeden z najnowocześniejszych obiektów wystawienniczo-kongresowych w Polsce. Specjalizujemy się w organizowaniu wydarzeń o zasięgu lokalnym, ogólnopolskim i międzynarodowym: targów, wystaw, kongresów, konferencji, eventów, jarmarków, imprez plenerowych.