Amber Company GOLD OF SEA was founded in 1991. Amber, a symbol of Lithuania and the Baltic Sea, is often referred to as "our gold." That's why this precious stone has become a key element in the company's products, which are sold worldwide.GOLD OF SEA specializes in antique amber jewellery, such as bracelets or beads. The company's assortment also includes other products, like amber chess sets, souvenirs, and more. Additionally, it caters to the Middle East market with its production of amber rosaries.
Organizatorem targów AMBERIF jest AMBEREXPO - jeden z najnowocześniejszych obiektów wystawienniczo-kongresowych w Polsce. Specjalizujemy się w organizowaniu wydarzeń o zasięgu lokalnym, ogólnopolskim i międzynarodowym: targów, wystaw, kongresów, konferencji, eventów, jarmarków, imprez plenerowych.